it's me

it's me
with friends

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

contoh teks deskriptif bahasa inggris

lapangan depan
sekolah kami memiliki tiga halaman. mereka terdiri dari halaman depan, halaman tengah, dan halaman belakang.
halaman depan berada dibagian depan sekolahan. halaman depan merupakan tempat pertama kali memasuki sekolahan.
dihalaman depan merupakan halaman terluas kedua dari ketiga halaman tersebut. halaman ini sangat sejuk, sehingga seluruh warga sekolah betah disini.
halaman depan terdapat banyak hal. hal tersebut yakni:
terdapat banyak pohon. ada 16 pohon besar dan masih ada banyak pohon kecil. selain itu, terdapat post satpam, sanggar pramuka,kotak pos ,ruang osis, dan juga terdapat tempat parkir guru. ditempat parkir guru ada banyak kendaraan tidak hanya motor tetapi juga ada mobil.

field in front
Our school has three pages. they consist of the front page, middle page, and backyard.
front page is the front of the school. front page is where you first enter the school.
front yard is the second largest of the three pages that page. This page is very cool, so that all citizens of school violence to be there .
the front page there are a lot of things. these are:
there are lots of trees. there are 16 large trees and there are many small trees. in addition, there is a security guard post, studio scouts, post office box, the space osis, and there are also teachers' parking lot. parking place there are many teachers are not only the motor vehicle but also a car.

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